Paint Around Charity Event
Yesterday I had the pleasure of watching two of my photographs be transformed into paintings at a charity event hosted and organized by The Main Avenue Galleria in Ocean Grove NJ for the benefit of The Bradley Beach Food Pantry. Which by the way raised $1150 in 3 hours.So it is called a Paint Around, what is it you ask. paint around is where several artists, in this case 7, work/paint for 30 minutes on a canvas recreating their...
Depth of Field – Taking Creative Control
Depth of Field is the range of distance within the subject that is acceptably sharp. It will vary depending upon camera type, aperture and focusing distance. The Depth of field (DOF) does not abruptly go from sharp to un-sharp however gradually transitions from sharp to un-sharp. There is no drastic point where the clarity or sharpness falls off, it is a gradual degradation in sharpness. Essentially, depth of field is focusing on one...
Nature’s Palette – A Gallery Show
SO I have been a bit busy lately with work and getting ready for my first solo show. Yeah, a solo show….WOW, very excited and a bit nervous. 40-45 of my best images will hang for the month of April at The Gallery 13 in Asbury Park NJ, very cool! A great Gallery dedicated to emerging photographers, John Vigg and a team of very talented Resident Photographers have this eclectic and positive vibe just oozing from the walls and...
Composition a Matter of Thirds
So what is composition? “Composition is the art of planning or arranging the visual elements within a photograph for deliberate effect.”[1] It can make a photograph more appealing, powerful, help it tell a story or make it unbalanced and unappealing. Composition covers a wide range of elements such as light, shadows, line, shape, texture, color and patterns. These elements when arranged, or composed, will yield a result...
Autumnal Retreat
Autumn, my favorite time of year; you see with new eyes that which you previously took for granted. Your routine commute, which you snooze through suddenly, captures your attention and has your head on a swivel. I try to get out every weekend to hike somewhere especially spots I enjoyed during the spring & summer and plan a long weekend or a vacation somewhere where the leaves are at or near peak color. This year it was Plymouth...