ios 7 & Mavericks

Last year I jumped over to Mac. I have been so pleased with my Mac that I have become a bit of a dreaded “fanboi”; unapologetically I should add. I absolutely love Mac and for the working design, coding or web professional there really is no better way to go. Macs are fast always on and trouble free. The MacBook Air I am typing this on was purchased over a year ago hasn’t given me a single problem, is just as fast as when I purchased it and is still purring like a kitten (or Mountain Lion), which brings me to my point. The new ios and OS coming from Apple.
At first I thought to write a bunch of highlights but honestly the entire keynote address is so awesome you should really watch it, especially if you are a PC user and find the exuberance of people like myself for their Macs a little annoying. You will see it’s not the koolaid at all…Macs just rock.