Nature’s Palette – A Gallery Show
SO I have been a bit busy lately with work and getting ready for my first solo show. Yeah, a solo show….WOW, very excited and a bit nervous. 40-45 of my best images will hang for the month of April at The Gallery 13 in Asbury Park NJ, very cool! A great Gallery dedicated to emerging photographers, John Vigg and a team of very talented Resident Photographers have this eclectic and positive vibe just oozing from the walls and they are a pleasure to work with.
Now the whole SOLO thing sounded so cool (and it still is) then reality sets in and you wonder IF, that dreaded word. WHAT IF my images, WHAT IF…. you get the drift. Well let me tell ya you have to answer those questions quickly. I did. I worked through my library and did a first cut, then a second and a third before I asked 2 others to review my selected images. One was my Uncle Sam who was a professional photographer and the other was Nicole – my girlfriend. I know what you are thinking and you’d be wrong, she is tougher on my work that I am at times and always, ALWAYS gives me honest feedback. From this there was a 4th cut and viola 45 Images to show. Then the fun began.
Mats, Frames, Backing, and what color mats, how would we mount them and so on. We did have fun getting this all together and here we are. Monday just 5 days until the opening and I will be hanging the show Wednesday this week. What a ride to get to the trail head, Saturday night April 2nd at 6pm the journey begins. Nature’s Palette my solo show opens for all to see my body of work, talk about feeling naked. Nervous, excited and I feel like I am at a crossroads to boot. I can not wait for Saturday!
ndThen we were getting the word out and we still are. Handing out flyers to every restaurant a business who would accept them and getting a few posters up here and there. It has been a learning experience and a damned good one. Regardless of what happens I am so grateful for this opportunity!
If you happen to be in Monmouth County NJ near Asbury Park drop in to 658 Cookman Ave and check out both The Gallery 13 and my show there Nature’s Palette and say hello. Nature’s Palette is a collection of images inspired by Mother Nature’s vast and endless combinations of colors, textures and moods.
I look forward to meeting you at the Gallery. Happy Snapping.