Our simple flat fee program is for site owners that want a professional look but for the lowest possible cost. If you qualify for this program you will enjoy free hosting, free design and up to two hours per month of one on one time with our website professionals that are capable of doing everything from answering simple questions to adding pages and content for you.
You pay only a management fee of $50 per month and you are not bound to any contract. You can discontinue any time you want even if your only reason is that your cat told you to 🙂
How do I know if I qualify?
We qualify clients for this program based on two criteria:
1) Are your needs simple enough that we are likely to meet or exceed your goals within the boundaries of this program?
2) Do we feel that what we give you will keep you happy enough to continue to choose to stay with us each month?
Typically, a simple telephone conversations is all that is required for use determine if you are a good fit for this program. If we decide that you are then you are in luck because you will get all the toys and resources that the big kids have without shelling out thousands or tens of thousands of dollars.